About NaturaMaids

At the heart of NaturaMaids, there is a passionate and visionary entrepreneur, Jimena. Inspired by her love for the environment, Jimena set out to create a cleaning company that not only transformed homes, took care of their family's health, but also took care of the planet. Armed with her knowledge of eco-friendly products and a team of skilled professionals, Jimena embarked on a mission to make a positive impact, to clean the planet one home at a time.

Jimena's team arrived in Florida, armed with green cleaning supplies that left no harmful residue and emitted no toxic fumes. Families rejoiced, knowing that their homes would shine while also being kind to the environment.

Our logo is a symbol of pride and responsibility about leaving a positive impact by using eco-friendly cleaning products, making living spaces feel fresher and healthier and free from harmful chemicals.

We aim to transmit our passion and dedication and want to inspire others to adopt similar methods by creating a domino effect of positive change. We want to turn this initiative into a movement, transforming the way people think about cleaning their homes and serve as a reminder that small choices can make a big difference.

By choosing to use eco-friendly products, Jimena and her team not only create immaculate spaces but also contribute to a greener, healthier planet. Their journey is a testament to the power of a simple idea and the impact it can have when it's nurtured with passion and commitment.